Catholic Organizations
- Catholic Charities USA – As the domestic charitable arm of the USCCB, Catholic Charities USA provides social services, disaster relief, housing, and healthcare assistance to vulnerable populations across the United States. It partners with local diocesan agencies to address poverty, hunger, and homelessness.
- Catholic Relief Services (CRS) – Founded by the USCCB, CRS is an international humanitarian organization that provides aid to impoverished and crisis-affected communities worldwide. It focuses on disaster response, food security, education, and healthcare in over 100 countries.
- Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) – Established by the USCCB, CLINIC provides legal services to immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers through a network of Catholic agencies. It also advocates for humane immigration policies aligned with Catholic social teaching.
- National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) – The NCBC offers ethical guidance on medical and moral issues from a Catholic perspective, often advising bishops, clergy, and healthcare professionals. It provides training and publications on topics such as end-of-life care, reproductive ethics, and genetic research.
- Newman Centers – These Catholic ministry centers serve students at secular universities, providing Mass, confession, faith formation, and community support. Many Newman Centers operate under diocesan leadership and promote Catholic identity in academic settings.
- National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) – This organization collaborates with the USCCB to support youth ministry programs in dioceses across the country. It organizes events like the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) and develops resources for young Catholics.
- EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) – Founded by Mother Angelica, EWTN is the world’s largest Catholic media network, offering television, radio, and online programming focused on faith, theology, and current events. Though independent, it often aligns with Catholic doctrine and supports USCCB initiatives.
- Word on Fire (Bishop Barron) – Led by Bishop Robert Barron, Word on Fire is a Catholic evangelization ministry that produces videos, books, and digital content to spread the faith. It emphasizes beauty, intellectual tradition, and apologetics to engage modern audiences.
- FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) – FOCUS sends trained missionaries to college campuses to evangelize students through Bible studies, retreats, and mentorship. It seeks to deepen faith and encourage Catholic leadership among young adults.
- Legatus – Founded by Tom Monaghan, Legatus is a Catholic organization for business executives that promotes faith in professional life. Members attend monthly meetings with Mass, speakers, and discussions on Catholic moral and ethical leadership.
- Dynamic Catholic (Matthew Kelly) – Created by Catholic speaker and author Matthew Kelly, Dynamic Catholic produces books, programs, and retreats to reinvigorate parish life. It focuses on personal spiritual growth and engagement with Catholic teachings.
- Thomas More Society – This nonprofit law firm defends religious freedom, pro-life causes, and Catholic values in courts across the United States. It provides legal representation to individuals, churches, and organizations facing religious discrimination.
- Ascension Press - Ascension Press is a Catholic multimedia company dedicated to evangelization and faith formation through books, podcasts, videos, and study programs. Known for resources like The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz, Ascension helps Catholics deepen their faith and grow in their spiritual journey.
- Augustine Institute - The Augustine Institute is a Catholic educational organization dedicated to forming disciples through graduate theology programs, evangelization resources, and media initiatives. Known for platforms like FORMED and Amen, it equips Catholics with solid theological education and spiritual enrichment.
- One Strong Family - A movement built around the trademarked acronym F.A.M.I.L.Y. ~ Forget About Me I Love You®. This message of selfless, unconditional love has influenced families, schools, sports teams, businesses, and faith-based groups.
- Mind Balance - is an online platform offering free, scientifically-backed tools for personal growth, including personality tests, self-improvement videos, and progress tracking resources. Their mission is to empower individuals to unlock their true potential through accessible and user-friendly resources.